October 14, 2012
I got my GTUBE (PEG)!!!
(This picture shows Jordan post surgery. I wanted to show all his stuff he is attached too, poor little guy).Thursday we had the gastroenterologist come look at Jordan to see if the g-tube or PEG would be in Jordan's best interest. For those not familiar with what that is, it is basically a feeding tube put straight into his stomach so he can be fed through that and not have a tube go down his throat to his stomach. He agreed it would and told me he would set the surgery up for the next week. He does this procedure with a surgeon, anesthesiologist, surgical tech, respiratory therapist and his nurses. Quite a group for a 25 minute procedure. Anyhow, as we went through the rest of the day Jordan really struggled. His oxygen levels came down quite a bit and he would change colors-scary, clear through to the evening. He was being suctioned constantly through his nose and down his throat. It was the hardest day for me and I finally lost it emotionally. It was then when we had a little miracle. The nurse got a call from Dr. Riley his gastroenterologist They were able to arrange the group of people for his surgery for the next morning at 11 a.m. We were so excited for him to have one less tube in his little face and anxious to have this procedure done, hoping it would cause less secretions and put us one step closer to getting him home. Thursday was so rough for him that I was overjoyed he wouldn't have to go through the weekend struggling like he did.
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